One fine day the spell was finally broken and the spirit of that young woman was finally loosed to twirl and dance without a care in the world. Free to be that carefree, spontaneous, twirling, grooving, swirling, butter scoop, giggling, shining star, an eagle that flies beyond the horizon…

Nothing is really loosed on Earth if it is not first released in heaven, so says the bible the greatest book that ever was…. IS….And only then can you embark into your own truth.

In the myriad of everyday existence where few have truly lived, breathed, walked the planet alone (I mean literally) several times over and lived to grow in their own soulitude …
No cushions of familiar comforts of friends, family, security, escapes in the wilderness of the meaningless crowds around you…

Yet many wise say you find your-self when you find your creator and your creator lives within you, so you quiet your self, tune in to be spontaneous and flow into the unseen realm where you were created before you were even conceived in your mother’s womb.

No it’s not new age … It’s ageless truth … Pure and crystal white like a river of diamond flowing between lush green cedars planted along the fertile river banks of a correct mindset.

Yes, truth is ageless, priceless and absolute. All you have to do is ask for it and it will find you. You may hate it, reject it, deny it, deflect it but it will always look you in the eye and smile …

“I changeth not !”

So, then one day when suddenly He poured into my heart

“consider Prerna for Life

…I ran from it, I hid, drew hours of theory of how I’m not made for this ….Reasoned I’m not conditioned for writing ….

“It’s not me” ..

But I didn’t make me! Who was I to decide which turn I’m going to take ..and then I realized.. Duh! the spell was broken a long time ago …The sleeping princess had been kissed .. The highway in the wilderness was complete and streams were flowing in the desert and there was only one way to move. …. and it was forward. Like a gentle thrust in the wind it was taking me along!

So what is this ‘Prerna for Life‘ that I’ve been carrying in my spiritual womb for a while now?

-Suddenly He showed me how I could really birth this baby after all these months of gestation, I ….I had a hunch…. Did He orchestrate all of this so I would finally just sit with Him and say

“ok .. What do you really want from me …?”

“Spend time with me so I can know you more and you know you can know Me more and trust Me to reveal My heart to you .. “

When we say we don’t trust someone we actually mean we don’t trust our self in relation to that person. The best relationship is the one we have with our own self….and who can truly know you more than your own creator who lives within you…..

The wind blows and no one knows from where it came and where it’s going but it changes you, frees you .. gives you wings to soar ..

So let this blog… A few shared thoughts be to all who decide to read my writings and musings….

I pray it brings you closer to The One who created you …
As I journey into my new assignment I invite you to come along if you care … I can only give a bit of what I have … and I don’t know if you would come along but if you choose to do so, please know I pray for you that you may see Him and know Him .. Yes, the one who created you .. Who created me .. Who created the valleys, the mountains, the cedars, the oceans, the flowers, the colours, the dew each morning, the waves along the seashore…. the Creator of every creation.

To you I dedicate these words …my blog and I ask you to bless my words and anoint them with your dew of joy. Whosoever you draw to read my words, overwhelm them with your love and your ‘Prerna’ I pray!

Set them free .. Allow them to soar like the eagle .. Draw from your river .. Your river of Life..
You are the ‘Prerna for Life’!