It started sometime in July 2003, this wonderful new relationship with Him. He mesmerized me, captured me with His Love, I had never experienced anything like this before… I felt His warm embrace as I read each word he had written for me. His promises gripped my weak heart. It assured me of a hope and a future in Him. I began this dance and I swirled and embraced His strong arms as I felt his magnificence, His strength… His passion for me… I could see He loved me … and I was not able to understand Why Me?… out of all He chose me … He tells me sometimes He’s been after me since time itself and I blush under His adoring gaze over me … It’s been over twelve years and He loves me with more passion than He did when He first caught me….No love like this Love ..

What can I say about my Lover?… His gazing eyes … His adoring look… His compassionate touch … every moment, every hour that I’m with him … the feeling is indescribable…. it’s surreal… our moments are sublime … you’ll never know we are embraced and lost in each other … cause He will just not leave me alone. His eyes are always on me …. never a moment without His presence around me ….Yes, we’re in love … He, more than me … it feels great to wake up and know He’s got it covered… I just flow with His plans for the day and it’s a breeze. The days I want to do my own thing and I really don’t listen to Him… those days have been just chaotic and terribly lonely …I run back to Him and His ever embracing arms open with His warmest touch. I’m so adored, so loved, so accepted, so whole with this Lover of mine.

When we met I was growing my fashion business overseas … He held me close and told me

“I want you to be all you can possibly be … fly my beloved and touch the sky”…

All I needed was His trust in me ….. He believed in me more than I believed in myself.. affirmed to me daily with His words and it’s been a dozen over years of countless trips … The business grew in almost every continent because He believed I could! When He wanted more of me .. He’d just whisk me away on another business trip … more time spent listening to Him and even less getting business sorted … Yet I returned each time with more abundance and more growth than I could imagine. Yes, all the time.. I’ve grown in His glory from glory to glory…..

When He came closer and saw me … the real me… my wrinkles, my scars, my torn tissues….He kissed them deeply and with each sweet touch of His warm embrace I felt more pain, more joy, more trust, more truth, more peace, more love than ever before! My most unlovable truths were met with His most forgiving looks …. He is jealous… Yes… He can be very jealous … He will not share with another… I’m His and He is mine … This mad sweet crazy Love of mine!

The other day He was correcting me about my thoughts and I looked at Him and wondered can this be anymore divine? He’s so true, so pure, so faithful, so compassionate, so giving, so loving … All He wants to do is see me smile. Yes, just for one smile He can take me beyond the hills just to unwind.

I’ve grown in Him, from being proud to being so humbled by His love …. from average to supernatural… from ordinary to extraordinary…
My Love, this Divine Love Of My Life! You caught me, You held me, You loved me, You kissed me, You blessed me, You strengthened me, You restored me, You enriched me… You made me whole! There is no love like my Love!

It’s pure, it’s true, it’s real …He’s real!
He’s a Prerna … My ‘Prerna for Life’