

About admin

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So far admin has created 11 blog entries.

I’m in Bliss … Blog #11

It's surreal, my home so magnificent and marvelous, my home far away ….hidden up in His heavenly abode, my home .. my resting place .. The night has been indeed very, very long...Maybe just a bit too long ... Felt burdened beneath the heavy weight when I couldn't figure out "Why me for this long [...]

May 11th, 2016|Bliss|3 Comments

One such secret is in the way of giving … Blog#10

Make this a part of your living ... Give and it will be added to you, pressed down, shaken together shall be poured into you ..... Give that deep seated regret to Him, give Him that hate, that deceit, that cunning scheming mindset that will ruin you in the end ...And you'll tell me I [...]

May 10th, 2016|Giving|0 Comments

I’m quiet in my soul’s retreat … Blog#9

Such a blessed bond with you my friend. Forever loving, always caring and sharing in spite of each offense. I cannot fully fathom my hearts incessant cry for your precious time and even though I never fully reciprocate ... Yet, you remain faithful and supportive right till the end.. Such a blessed relationship you are [...]

May 9th, 2016|Friendship|13 Comments

I’ve called you out of darkness into My light … Blog#8

It's such a blessing ... Those days when you're lost and confused….overwhelmed with life's perplexities and vulnerable to your anxieties ... He stands still besides me and simplifies His secret complexities... I'm writing easily cause I'm surrounded with such beauty in the midst of soo much unsurety ... I am confronting such a strong opponent [...]

May 8th, 2016|Blessing|0 Comments

Now a Kingdom with glory and then a garden and all the fury … Blog#7

Delight yourself in Him and He will give you the desires of your heart....or when my desire is only Him he gives me His desires and then gives me what I desire so in essence He fulfills His desire in me... This naughty, crazy, sweet love of mine. He tricked me.. I tell you ...into [...]

May 7th, 2016|Desire|0 Comments

Love in the time of cholera Blog#6

Passionate romance and vulnerability ...thoughtless sensibility of childhood fantasy ... So pure, so frail, so strong, so stupid...The heart has not grown to know the essence of true Love but the mind suggests it's cravings only satisfy this longing this yearning ... Some may marry their childhood love.. Some may marry later for love ....some [...]

May 6th, 2016|Love|0 Comments

So are these wantings, longings and yearnings in vain ?… Blog#5

Yearning and waiting for you to come to me...Don't awaken love before its time ...wait...But I want more of Life ... I want to live more ... be alive ..... feel more alive  .... I sense the trains running by and I'm just waiting, longing, wanting and left aside... “Have you forgotten me?” ... You've [...]

May 5th, 2016|Waiting|0 Comments

I will never leave you nor forsake you Blog#4

Life comes a round circle when you try to connect the dots, but the key is that the timing has to be divine in each connection. When the fruit is ripe and ready to be plucked and even more ready to be eaten and sweet to taste! The powerful secret of timing is not for [...]

May 4th, 2016|Faith|2 Comments

No love like His love Blog#3

It started sometime in July 2003, this wonderful new relationship with Him. He mesmerized me, captured me with His Love, I had never experienced anything like this before... I felt His warm embrace as I read each word he had written for me. His promises gripped my weak heart. It assured me of a hope [...]

May 3rd, 2016|Love|0 Comments

Complete absolute dependence on Me and My Spirit He says! TRUST… Blog#2

Then writing just happened to me a few years ago .... more out of necessity than my passion... I had no choice .... Sometimes fate is amazing .. You don't choose .. He chooses you and throws bits and pieces of evidence along your walk... a walk of faith ...I call it the 'Fire Walk'... [...]

May 2nd, 2016|Trust|0 Comments

Quiet yourself, be spontaneous and flow… Blog#1

One fine day the spell was finally broken and the spirit of that young woman was finally loosed to twirl and dance without a care in the world. Free to be that carefree, spontaneous, twirling, grooving, swirling, butter scoop, giggling, shining star, an eagle that flies beyond the horizon... Nothing is really loosed on Earth [...]

May 1st, 2016|Freedom|0 Comments