Passionate romance and vulnerability …thoughtless sensibility of childhood fantasy … So pure, so frail, so strong, so stupid…The heart has not grown to know the essence of true Love but the mind suggests it’s cravings only satisfy this longing this yearning …

Some may marry their childhood love.. Some may marry later for love ….some may never know love and end up with their lust … It’s just a broken trust …

All of us crave a faithful companion, a provider, a friend, a mentor, a leader, a father, a warrior, a savior, a man with an armour that bends not till the storm ends …

But our men, they too crave the nature of a friend, a lady… a mender …never creating a breach in his fence.

When you find such a love hold her tight, never lose sight of her each night…

But can she too fulfill your hearts drive when the winds across the sevens seas roar and send you an invite … You are called to lead an army on your steed besides your own needs… Such complexes these seasons invite … No one is spared with the changes of transition that set your sails to the seas…

I’m lost …I’m confused … No longings complete … I’m replete with life’s ever changing deceit ..

But He smiled and held my gaze close in my mind….

”I am all you will ever need, allow your cares to just delete …delete …delete ..”

I smiled, I giggled, I blushed and I survived this other transition into a realm yet to be discovered where new fears abide.

No one remains faithful but only You, my friend, my savior … my King, till the very end …

I’ve had a blessed life so don’t get me wrong there is really no plight but deep respite in His blessed seasons of peace..

Our expectations in others can fail us … They are fulfilling their DNA… He who created them created them that way…

All roads lead us astray but try to find that narrow path that is the Only way..

It’s the truth, the way into Life…

Pray I for you that you too find your ‘Prerna’ to live a real Life…

But search you have to and you will find … Knock at the door and it will swing open wide…

Ask of Him and He will answer each question, each mystery with its own history leading to your victory, woven into Life’s eternal destiny …this sweet, kind love of mine ..

Hope you too find in Him your ‘Prerna for Life‘ become a star with a crown and receive your own ‘Signet’ ring …