Delight yourself in Him and He will give you the desires of your heart….or when my desire is only Him he gives me His desires and then gives me what I desire so in essence He fulfills His desire in me… This naughty, crazy, sweet love of mine.

He tricked me.. I tell you …into falling so much in love with Him.
When I first met Him, it was His family that loved me and drew me to Him… Slowly as I got to know Him he showered me with gifts, infusing His passionate love into every gesture…luring me into His Kingdom.
Yes, I got captivated by His beauty and His eyes, those eyes always looking at me… Watching over me ..The more I spent time with Him the more I desired Him … He knew I could not resist His charm… His charisma .. This Charismatic lover of mine made me wild with desire divine…
He promised He’d come and when He arrived not a minute too early or too late … I felt the thunder of the mighty winds announce His presence…
Such style …such grace…

As He walked upto Me touching the crowds around … everyone I could see were mesmerized seeing His crown … Gazing at His radiance, His shining sword that He wielded as He strut towards me in All His glory.
Who could resist this man? My groom… My lover, sweet and divine..

My desire is only for Him and His desire is only for me … It’s a love relationship … It’s blessed … It’s honored … It’s treasured… I’m more valued than rubies and diamonds … His heart trusts me … I’m unworthy but His heart chooses to trust me … I can’t but be honorable when I’m held in His priceless gaze.
His love cleanses me, washes me, makes me glow..
I’m more beautiful in His gaze … Lusts of this world that so easily ensnare can’t entrap me ..His love is pure … It’s Holy.. It’s divine …
My flesh and its failings loose their grip over me … Pride of life rears its ugly head and it cannot lure me … I’m so far gone into the deep realm of spiritual abandonment in Him.
There’s no looking back …

“He lured me into His kingdom“

I say..
When I saw this King in all His radiance I followed His blinding light and I entered into the narrow gate .. I threw out the lust of my flesh and the lust of my eyes and decided to give up this pride of life and I found myself in His garden…
This time it was not the same glory I had seen earlier.. He was sweating drops of blood… He was strained beyond my understanding of pain.. His eyes were heavy .. They were bloodshot … Piercing …and I saw His pain…
I fell back …

“Is this a dream? Now a Kingdom with glory and then a garden with Him in pain…”

Two worlds flashed before me and I fell apart in the moment of separation between His past and my future…

“What had He gone through?”

… I wondered …

“Is there more to His story …
This Kingdom and all the glory but the garden and all the fury …
I cannot fully fathom this story “…

“Yes you cannot”

He tells me …

“There are secrets deep and buried but you have to rise up and search them out of their grave” …

I’m flushed and I’m confused I’m amazed and I’m diffused …

”I cannot know you more until you show yourself to me in your reality … Don’t speak in riddles”

I say..

“Reveal your past to me I pray”…

He says

“I love you and I love you and I love you …. For you I died and came alive” ..

I’m more baffled, I’m more humbled …

“You died for me and came back again”


He said

“I came to tell you to be alive cause I’m your only true “Prerna For Life”