

I’m quiet in my soul’s retreat … Blog#9

Such a blessed bond with you my friend. Forever loving, always caring and sharing in spite of each offense. I cannot fully fathom my hearts incessant cry for your precious time and even though I never fully reciprocate ... Yet, you remain faithful and supportive right till the end.. Such a blessed relationship you are [...]

May 9th, 2016|Friendship|13 Comments

I’ve called you out of darkness into My light … Blog#8

It's such a blessing ... Those days when you're lost and confused….overwhelmed with life's perplexities and vulnerable to your anxieties ... He stands still besides me and simplifies His secret complexities... I'm writing easily cause I'm surrounded with such beauty in the midst of soo much unsurety ... I am confronting such a strong opponent [...]

May 8th, 2016|Blessing|0 Comments