

I’m quiet in my soul’s retreat … Blog#9

Such a blessed bond with you my friend. Forever loving, always caring and sharing in spite of each offense. I cannot fully fathom my hearts incessant cry for your precious time and even though I never fully reciprocate ... Yet, you remain faithful and supportive right till the end.. Such a blessed relationship you are [...]

May 9th, 2016|Friendship|13 Comments

So are these wantings, longings and yearnings in vain ?… Blog#5

Yearning and waiting for you to come to me...Don't awaken love before its time ...wait...But I want more of Life ... I want to live more ... be alive ..... feel more alive  .... I sense the trains running by and I'm just waiting, longing, wanting and left aside... “Have you forgotten me?” ... You've [...]

May 5th, 2016|Waiting|0 Comments