

I’ve called you out of darkness into My light … Blog#8

It's such a blessing ... Those days when you're lost and confused….overwhelmed with life's perplexities and vulnerable to your anxieties ... He stands still besides me and simplifies His secret complexities... I'm writing easily cause I'm surrounded with such beauty in the midst of soo much unsurety ... I am confronting such a strong opponent [...]

May 8th, 2016|Blessing|0 Comments

Love in the time of cholera Blog#6

Passionate romance and vulnerability ...thoughtless sensibility of childhood fantasy ... So pure, so frail, so strong, so stupid...The heart has not grown to know the essence of true Love but the mind suggests it's cravings only satisfy this longing this yearning ... Some may marry their childhood love.. Some may marry later for love ....some [...]

May 6th, 2016|Love|0 Comments